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How did I get here?

Like everyone else, you're either born here or you get sucked in like it's quick sand, and there is very little chance of ever escaping. Even after all the jokes, derogatory remarks and disdainful emotions associated with Yakima. It isn't really, completely all that bad.

So it all started when I decided my life was too perfect but was missing something. Classic Freudian thoughts for a twenty-something who is going through a Quarter-Life Crisis. So, I cashed in my tax return, left my awesome job and hopped on a plane to New Zealand. I'll leave that for another story. But eventually I wound up back home in Seattle, Washington. I grew up on the Westside. But a lot had changed while I was away. My grandfather had entered a Senior home in Ellensburg, and this encouraged my Mum to try and find work over in the Kittitas/Yakima County area. The closest she could get was Yakima. And though I applied for job after job in Seattle, nothing manifested and Dad didn't have an extra room. But Mum did, so.....

Mentor in Real Ale, Tony and TBS Co-worker Peter(2019)

I will admit, though Mum and I didn't always see eye to eye, the very first place she brought me was, The Beer Shoppe. I remain still a loyal employee to the Shoppe, but took up a few temp jobs, then finally found a permanent home at the John I. Haas, Inc.(International Hops Distributor). My very first "adult job" with a 401K! I am presently still at Haas and loving my one shift a week at the Shoppe. A part of me still feels like I just want to go full-time bar wench. But bills got to be paid and beer is not cheap. It seems after several years of trying I was finally on a smooth course.

Mo, my friend, producer and photographer.(2018)

It has taken me awhile to catch my bearings or even find friends since living abroad. Working at The Beer Shoppe has helped me find stability, friends and a passion. It also introduced me to my Producer, Mo. She was our pizza Chef. She and I got along well as friends, she was a professional part-time photographer and was looking for a new side activity. She approached me with doing a Podcast. We sat around and thought of what would be a good "subject", and after very little interest in anything else other than beer, we decided to go with my hobby. Surprisingly, Mo didn't like beer but liked the idea, considering we are in "Hop Valley". Now, I told her I wanted it to be more than just a bunch of beer snobs sitting around and explaining a beer they were trying. We made it a point to keep our roots here in the Yakima Valley and help the local small businesses, artists, and breweries. Since starting the Podcast we have interviewed several brewers/brewery owners, a few small local businesses, food truck chefs(Red Pickle) and a band(Jayleigh & The Lost Boys).

The 'Hopternity' Crew, exclusive. :)

Christel, my friend and photographer.(2018)

Though I have slowed up, life often gets in the way. Mo had to stop being my producer and couldn't edit my work anymore. But, there was just something about this whole idea of me going out and introducing myself to random people in the beer world. So, I tried to keep with it. I haven't been so good at the Blogging thing, but, this is why I am here now, writing. Life hits us hard sometimes. I have been struggling with depression for most of my life, and if I look back even more, probably since I was a little kid. But, for some reason, it just hit harder this past year. You know you're depressed when the very thing that makes you happy or gets you excited, just doesn't anymore. But, I have so many people that support what I am doing and believe in me, that it's hard not to just keep dragging myself along. And slowly I am pulling my self out of this funk. Which is why I am going to be more consistent in my posts. This is the start of a new beginning

and the re-vamping of a writer/host/beer snob and Entrepreneur.

(Click any photo for the link to my Podcast!)

(Photo courtesy of Christel Clear Photography, logo by Yakima Bindery).

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